Term 1 Week 10 Newsletter 31 March 2023
From our Principal
It has been a very busy term. I would like to thank
- Our parents for the support they give to their children and our staff, and for the many and varied ways they add to the quality of our great school.
- Our staff for the commitment to excellence they show in making learning and fun the key to every school day for every student; and most importantly
- Our students whose hard work is paying off as they learn and play.
I wish everyone a safe break and look forward to seeing you all next term.
Students achieve more when they are at school every day learning. Our school goal for attendance is 94%.
The Every Day Counts Website is a helpful tool: https://everydaycounts.education.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Engagment and Wellbeing Survey
In Term 2, students in Years 4 and 6 will be asked to take part in the Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing (QEW) Survey. We know that wellbeing and engagement are important parts of your child’s life at school. The QEW Survey is designed to measure how students view their wellbeing and engagement across different topics. The information we get from the survey helps us better understand and support our students. Information will be sent out to parents and carers closer to the time.
More information, including FAQs, can be found on the Education website: https://alt-qed.qed.qld.gov.au/publications/reports/statistics/schooling/students/queensland-engagement-wellbeing-survey/faqs-for-parents-and-carers
Keep Watch this School Holidays
Parents and students can help take care of our school by reporting any suspicious after-hours activity to School Watch on 13 17 88. By keeping an eye out, we can work together to create a safer school community and help to reduce vandalism, theft and arson in our school.
We would like to congratulate Mrs Van Itallie on her appointment for the remainder of the year as Head of Curriculum at Biloela SS. We thank her for her contribution to our school and know we will see her frequently at events as a parent. We welcome Mrs Genevieve Gleeson to our school as the year 2 teacher. Mrs Gleeson has been a regular relief teacher in our school so is very familiar with our students and school community.
SEL - Social and Emotional Learning - 5 stages of Group Development
Many Parents will relate that being able to work as a part of a team is a life skill. Term one has seen students continue to work on their team building and communication skills as part of the SEL program.
During these sessions, it is important to normalise the 5 stages of group development. Each stage is crucial to move on to the next. One of the most uncomfortable stages is the ‘storming’ stage. This is where conflict and disagreements happen. However, it is a crucial part of the group development and is needed to move onto the next level.
Hattie and Yates, 2014 suggest that learning often comes out of conflict, such as confronting the unfamiliar, being in challenging situations, and when we are invited to resolve problem situations.
Students who move through the storming stage will find the skills and strategies to effectively resolve conflict and work as an effective team. I look forward to supporting our students as they continue on this journey.
Miss Hyland
Sports News
Congratulations to Kroombit House on winning this year's Cross Country.
Our Age Champions for 2023
6 years: Mayah and Mitch
7 years: Zoey and Jedd
8 years: Nara and Thomas
9 years: Sayla and Laura
10 years: Bridie and Aiden
11 years Emily and Will
12 years: Izzy and Blake
Students who finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the 10-12 year age groups are eligible to attend the Port Curtis trials in Benarby. Congratulaions to the Prep class for being the Highest fundraisers for our Fun Run.
End of Term 1 Assembly
Congratulations to our End of Term 1 award winners.
Congratulations to our Simply the Best - Readers
Prep - Hudson
Yr 1 - Mayah
Yr 2 - Sterling
Yr 3 - Henry
Yr 4 - Makenna
Yr 5-Xander
Yr 6 - Gemma
On ya Mate award - Ryder B
Aussie of the Month - Amelia