Term 2 Week 4 Newsletter 11 May 2023
From our Principal
Week 4 already! A big thank you to our dads who stepped up to help out on the Mother’s Day stall this week. The kids love having you in the school and I know our mums appreciate being looked after.
Reminder that next Friday 19 May is the Biloela Show holiday. If heading to the show please make you stop in and check out our school display. A huge thank you to Mrs Deborah Carr for her time and effort in putting this year’s display together.
Our school facilities continue to see improvement with Tim & Cathy working hard on our orchard and greenhouse. We have also revamped behind our upper classroom with new tables and plants. We plan to paint a big mural on the wall to give it a final lift.
I’m excited to announce we have been successful with 2 grants. The first grant was a School Upgrade grant for $23 682 in which we applied for technology resources and outdoor seating. Our 2nd grant was the Go for Gold Sporting grant and we received $5000 towards sporting equipment for athletics.
Have an awesome week everyone!
Students achieve more when they are at school every day learning. Our school goal for attendance is 94%. In the last 2 weeks we have had a bit of a sluggish start to the term – only 93.1% attendance, while I suspect that families may have enjoyed a long weekend with the Anzac Day and Labour Day Long Weekends, parents are asked to remember – Every day is a learning day at Thangool. Let’s see if we can have marked improvement in the coming weeks.
Every Day Counts Website is a helpful too:
Parents and Social Media
Our school is excited to use social media as a tool to engage with new families and provide a glimpse into our community. Please Like, Share, and Tag friends in our posts to help us reach more families and make their transition to our school as smooth as possible. Your support and engagement are greatly appreciated
School Mission Statement/Capable Learner
Our school mission statement forms the basis of all decisions made by the school. Our first question in all we do is always “what impact does this have on our students?” Today our teachers have been unpacking our dispositions so that we have consistency in the language we use, clarity in the definition and ways to teach and imbed the disposition into all situations.
Head of Curriculum News
Australian Curriculum – Mathematics
Mathematics is integral to quantifying, thinking critically and making sense of the world. It is cross-curricula and is central to the learning, development and provides students with essential mathematical knowledge, skills, procedures and processes in number, algebra, measurement, space, statistics and probability.
Mathematical ideas have evolved across cultures over thousands of years and are continually developing. Our modern world is influenced by expanding computational power, digital systems, automation, artificial intelligence, economics and a data driven society and as such our students require skills in pattern recognition, visualisation, spatial reasoning and logical thinking. Developing these competencies will support student in pursuing a variety of occupations including careers in Science, Technology and Engineering.
Mathematics aims to ensure that students:
- become confident, proficient and effective users and communicators of mathematics,
- can investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives,
- think critically, and make choices as active, engaged, numerate citizens
- develop proficiency with mathematical concepts, skills, procedures and processes,
- pose and solve problems, and reason with number, algebra, measurement, space, statistics and probability
- make connections between areas of mathematics and apply mathematics in other situations
- foster a positive disposition towards mathematics,
- acquire specialist mathematical knowledge and skills
SEL News (Social and Emotional Learning)
In SEL, we are learning about actions that are ‘above or below’ the line. This concept helps develop ownership and empowers us to make choices that are solution focused. It is normal to have times where we live below the line, and it is important to acknowledge this. However, we don’t want to stay here too long. The language students are learning is ‘Where are you living?’ This is a great strategy to look at the choices our students can make and it can be used not only at school but in all areas of our lives. Living above the line is empowering.
Under 8's Day - Wednesday 24th May 2023
On Wednesday, 24th May, we will be celebrating Under 8s day. This is a community event and everyone is invited to attend from 9-11am.
P-3 students: Will need to wear old, sun safe clothing as the activities can get messy. Although the community events conclude at 11am, the P-3 students will continue to participate in a variety of different activities throughout the day. This day will also be our Term 2, transition morning for our 2024 cohort and our monthly playgroup morning catch-up. The program for the day:
9- 11 Community Events (Children birth to 8 years)
11:45 – 1:15 P-3 Minor games
1:45 – 2:45 P-3 students participate in Year 4-6 planned activities
Year 4 – 6 students: Will be developing activities for the P-3 students in the final session of the day. Parents, please support your Year 4 – 6 child by encouraging them to follow the guidelines listed.
Suggested activities could be:
- co-ordination/skill based (eg. mini golf, targeting, threading, etc)
- performance based (dress-ups, dance, music, etc)
- technology based (remote controls, building/construction, etc)
- art based (collage, painting, etc)
- sport based (balancing, throwing, obstacle course, etc)
If the activity involves a prize:
- home-made certificates or stickers are preferred
- no food, lollies or treats
- no toys
If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s teacher.
Project Club News
Our Project Club will be holding a Chicken Meal Deal next Wednesday 17th May 2023. Our two options are 7x Chicken Fingers or a Chicken Tender Wrap with a Hot Milo. Orders close on Tuesday 16th May 2023 at 4pm. Thank you for supporting our Project Club.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Students of the Week for weeks 2 and 3
Prep: Will - For working diligently during writing this week
Prep: Phoebe - For demonstrating persistence during Maths last week. Great effort!
Yr 1: Mayah - For applying diligence to all learning areas
Yr 2: Thomas - For always demonstrating diligence and being ready to learn
Yr 2: Jakey - For showing diligence and always being focussed on his learning.
Yr 3: Ben - Stepping up, being diligent and trying your hardest to be a considerate, capable learner this term. Well Done!
Yr 3: William - For consistently being a responsible and helpful member of Year 3
Yr 3: Ayden - Embracing challenge and trying your absolute hardest when working with numbers up to 10 000. Super effort!
Yr 4: Bridie - For demonstrating diligence and being a capable learner
Yr 5: Peter - For displaying diligence in all his work
Yr 6: Lucy - For always giving all challenges a go
Yr 6: Xander - For showing great leadership skills in the running of Smart Moves
Yr 6: Paige - For showing great persistence during Chappy Games
Thangool INC
Thangool Inc is seeking volunteers that might be able to assist them with running their various events throughout the year. The Thangool Inc works for the advancement and betterment of the Thangool community. If you can assist, please contact John Müller on 0448 933 809.