Term 2 Week 8 Newsletter 7 June 2023
From our Principal
Winter is here! Please ensure jumpers and all clothing items are labelled so we can return them to their owner. We have a busy last couple of weeks with sports days, art workshops, STEAM Day and assembly. Teachers are busy in preparing report cards for reports to be emailed home on Wednesday 21 June. We are currently seeing a high volume of illness from both students and staff. If unwell please take the time to get well.
Have an awesome week everyone!
Art Workshops
This term we have had half our students from year 1-6 involved in 2 art workshops run by local artists Michelle Briggs. We will be running these workshops again in term 4 for the other half of students as well as extending it to those students who display a particular skill or talent with art.
Sports Day
Next week we are involved in our annual interschool sports day where Kariboe and Kroombit battle it out! Thursday 15 June sees our P-3 sports day and Friday 16 June we have all our races in the morning followed by 4-6 athletic events. Everyone welcome to come and cheer and support our students in what is always a wonderful couple of days.
Attendance - Every Day Counts!
As it is at any time of the term, every day counts. Please ensure your child is at school every day – unless of course they are unwell. The shorter weeks for teaching and learning makes it even more important that your child is at school every day so that they have every opportunity to do their best in their learning journey. For the second half of the term, we have five-day weeks.
STEAM Day and Assembly
In week 10, Wednesday 21 June we will be running our STEAM Day (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) with students-this is where the whole school has a theme they are investigating and students work together to create a solution. Students will be involved in activities for the morning and middle session and then we will hold our end of term assembly from 1:45pm. Everyone welcome for assembly.
Year 1 Teacher Farewell and Welcome
We wish Miss Mableson all the very best as she starts her maternity leave and thank her for her wonderful contribution to Thangool. Miss Mableson came to Thangool from South Australia as a beginning teacher and in her time at our school has become a valued and respected member of our staff. She will be greatly missed but we wish her well on this next exciting chapter.
Starting in semester 2 we welcome Mrs Rameeya Cheng to our Thangool teaching team.
Rameeya is relocating from the ACT with her husband and 2 children. She has been teaching in the ACT for 6 years working with K-2 classes. She is very excited to join us and our school community. I know you will make Rameeya feel very welcome.
Capable Learner
Our school mission statement forms the basis of all decisions made by the school. Our first question in all we do is always “what impact does this have on our students?”
Our school has developed its own Thangool State School (TSS) Capable Learner. Our capable learner works to support our mission statement looking at all aspects of what makes a student a capable learner at Thangool.
When following our school rules, we encourage students to use the communication hand. Having a problem with someone else is very common, everyone has problems to solve. When we have a problem with another person, it is good to solve the problem without fighting. It is good to think about the best way to solve the problem. When we have problems especially with a classmate, teacher, sibling or parent, we first need to think first about the best possible way to solve the problem so that we make a good choice about the best way to behave in the situation.
2023 - Priority Areas
In 2023 we have 2 priority areas:-
- Reading
- SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
HOC News - Head of Curriculum
Australian Curriculum – HASS
In the Australian Curriculum, Humanities and Social Sciences Prep to Year 6 comprises of 5 subjects. In these years, students are introduced to the disciplines of History and Geography from Prep, Civics and Citizenship from Year 3, and Economics and Business from Year 5.
HASS is the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic, business, legal and political contexts. This learning area has a historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global contexts, and considers the challenges that may occur in the future. It plays an important role in assisting students to understand global issues, and building their capacity to be active and informed citizens who understand and participate in the world. It provides opportunities for students to develop their own personal and social learning, and to explore their perspectives as well as those of others.
HASS aims to ensure that students develop:
- a sense of wonder, curiosity and respect about places, people, cultures and systems throughout the world, past and present,
- an interest in and enjoyment of the study of HASS
- key historical, geographical, civic, business and economic knowledge of people, places, values and systems, past and present, in local to global contexts
- an understanding and appreciation of historical developments, geographic phenomena, civic values and economic factors that shape society, influence sustainability and create a sense of belonging
- the capacity to use skills, of questioning, researching using reliable sources, analysing, evaluating and communicating
- dispositions required for effective participation in everyday life, now and in the future,
- the ability to problem-solve critically and creatively, make informed decisions, be a responsible and active citizen, make informed economic and financial choices, and reflect on ethics.
SEL News
Words matter – but…how effective are yours?
Have you ever had someone give you a compliment and followed it by the word ‘but’?
You did a really good job but…
Giving a compliment or feedback and following it by the word “but” negates everything you said before it. In our communication the word ‘but’ can be like a red-light flashing, saying here comes the real message. Our brains negativity bias will be drawn to whatever follows the but and we often hear nothing positive that was said before this.
So, what do we do instead?
Embrace the ‘and’ to see the change it can have in how well our feedback is received. A simple change can make a huge difference when working with our students. Try it out and see the door to connection open. When we know better, we can make language choices that help our students take on feedback to learn and grow rather than shutting down and lacking the confidence to try.
But… | And… |
Your performance was good but… | Your performance was good and… |
You did a great job organising the event but… | You did a great job organising the event and… |
Sports News
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
Our Interhouse Athletics Carnival is fast approaching. Attached to our newsletter today, is the program of events. Below is a summary of our Athletics Carnival week.
- Tuesday 13 June - 800m, 8am start (no pre-nomination required)
- Wednesday 14 June - 1500m, 8am start (no pre-nomination required)
- Thursday 15 June - Prep - Yr 3 Carnival, 9am-1pm
- Thursday 15 June - 200m (9-12 year olds) - 1.45pm-3pm
- Friday 16 June - All ages sprints/relays/parent race, 9am-11am
- Friday 16 June - (9-12 year olds) Field Events - 11am-3pm
Zone Athlethics Carnival
Zone Athletics Carnival for (10-12 year olds) will be held on Thursday 22nd June 2023 at Redeemer Lutheran College. The top 4 students in each event will be eligible to attend this carnival for Port Curtis trial selection. Students who DO NOT wish to attend the Zone Carnival need to notify Mrs Nancarrow by Monday 19th June 2023. Students selected for the 1500m race, please note that this event will not be held at the Zone Carnival however will take place at Biloela State School on Monday 19 June 2023 at 9am sharp.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Students of the Week for weeks 4, 5, 6 and 7
Prep: Hudson - For using his decoding strategies to improve fluency
Prep: Lucy - For demonstrating the dispositions of being a capable learner
Prep: Ella - For demonstrating diligence and persistence when reading
Prep: Ayla - For being a kind and thoughtful class member
Year 1: Lucas - For demonstrating the disposition of a capable learner by trying his best in all areas this week.
Year 1: Abel - For demonstrating resilience when using the computers this week
Year 1: Jaxx - For his effort and knowledge in Maths on money
Year 1: Archer - For embracing challenge and working on his decoding skills
Year 2: Jayde - For your "Never Give Up" attitude to learning. You are a great example of diligence to your classmates
Year 2: Noah - For being a capable learner and demonstrating your learning progress in all areas
Year 2: Layla - For being a respectful class member and demonstrating how to be a capable learner.
Year 2: Hudson - For consistently displaying diligence and demonstrating doing your best to other's.
Year 4: Makenna - Consistently being a capable leaner
Year 4: Anngela - For demonstrating diligence
Year 4: Alex - For being a capable learner
Year 4: Millie - For embracing challenges
Year 4: Jackson - For maintaining diligence and consistency in your learning despite changes to our routines. Well Done!
Year 5: Lydia - For all her hard work in her writing this week
Year 6: Derby - For always being on task
Year 6: Ella - For showing compassion to another class member
My New Gallery
Sports Day Lunch Menu
Parent Information Flyer
Parents can participate in these free, online parenting seminars until June 26, 2023. Please scan the QR code for more information.