Term 2 Week 10 Newsletter 23rd June 2023
From our Principal
Last day of term 2! Where has the past 10 weeks gone?! The first semester of the 2023 school year concludes at 3:00 pm today following a busy, challenging, rewarding, exciting, thought provoking, jam packed, illness filled, and amazing 20 weeks. Make sure you take the time to rest, enjoy quality family time, recharge the batteries as we head into another busy term and semester after the holiday break.
I would like to commend our students on their outstanding performance at the sports carnivals. What a great couple of days showcasing our students’ talents, the spirit of sportsmanship and community togetherness with many families in attendance. It was wonderful seeing the enthusiasm, participation and positive attitude of all who participated. A huge thank you to Mrs Ebony Nancarrow for her organisation and preparation of students for the events. A big thank you to Mr Boyd for the marking of our track and to our wonderful staff for all the support in ensuring a successful day. To our amazing P&C and tuckshop convenor Mel McGovern along with her helpers for catering of our days. A big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to another amazing sporting term.
We have been given a wonderful opportunity for parents to attend a 6 weeks course “Circle of Security Parenting” facilitated Browyn Dendle. This program has a strong alignment to a lot of the key messages we are delivering throughout our school in our SEL program. Please see attached flyer and I encourage parents to take up this wonderful opportunity.
Have an awesome holiday break everyone! Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in term 3.
Attendance - Every Day Counts
Capable Learner
Our school mission statement forms the basis of all decisions made by the school. Our first question in all we do is always “what impact does this have on our students?”
Our school has developed its own Thangool State School (TSS) Capable Learner. Our capable learner works to support our mission statement looking at all aspects of what makes a student a capable learner at Thangool.
2023 - Priority Areas
In 2023 we have 2 priority areas:-
- Reading
- SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
Head of Curriculum News
Health and Physical Education enables students to develop skills, understanding and willingness to positively influence the health and wellbeing of themselves and their communities. It is critical for every young Australian to flourish as a healthy, safe, active and informed citizen. It is essential that young people develop their ability to respond to new health issues and evolving physical activity options.
Students will acquire and apply movement skills, concepts and strategies across a range of physical activity contexts. Movement is a powerful medium for learning through which students can acquire and practise personal, social and cognitive skills. Students gain skills, understanding and dispositions that support lifelong physical activity participation and enhanced movement performance.
In HPE, students develop personal and social skills through interacting with others in classroom and movement contexts. They enhance their own and others’ wellbeing. HPE addresses factors that influence the health, safety, relationships, wellbeing and physical activity patterns of individuals, groups and communities. Students develop the understanding to challenge discrimination, assumptions and stereotypes. They gain skills to take positive action regarding diversity, inclusion, consent and respect in different social contexts.
HPE aims to ensure that students develop:
- the information to make informed choices
- act to enhance and advocate for their own and others’ health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity
- develop and use personal, social and cognitive skills and strategies to promote self-identity and wellbeing, and to build and manage respectful relationships
- acquire, apply and evaluate movement skills, concepts and strategies to respond confidently, competently and creatively in various physical activity settings
- engage in and create opportunities for regular physical activity participation
- analyse changing personal and contextual factors shape opportunities
SEL News (Social and Emotional Learning)
How does the language we use impact our student’s Emotional Intelligence?
According to Michelle Mitchell (Parenting Educator), the biggest predictor of children’s social and emotional functioning, is the way that Parent’s speak to their children. The power of our words and our tone, models for our students how to deal with times of stress and adversity. While this can be hard work, Michelle refers to adults as pattern makers. Children follow patterns and the more predictable we can be the easier it is for them to follow us.
When we as the Adults are tired, busy and stressed, it can be challenging to role model the language to handle these times. It can be even more difficult when our little people are testing our patience. Here are some small shifts that can make huge changes in keeping an open and trusting relationship with our students when we are challenged:
- ‘Mistakes don’t change what I think of you’ (for Parents; mistakes won’t change how much I love you).
- ‘I don’t fully have to understand to be able to listen to you’.
- ‘I know that wasn’t your best moment’.
- ‘How could you respond differently next time?’
- ‘That’s out of character for you’.
- ‘I am glad we can start again tomorrow’.
- ‘How can we make things right?’
Source: Michelle Mitchell, 2023. Tweens.
Sport News
What a busy term for Sports!
Thank you to our amazing families for supporting our recent Athletics Carnival. Congratulations Kroombit House on a fantastic win. Congratulations to every student who gave it a go and showed awesome participation and sportsmanship. I have attached a survey link for parents to provide feedback on our Athletics Carnival to help us to continually improve our carnivals where possible.
Thank you to our families for supporting the Callide Valley Interschool Athletics Carnival held at Redeemer Lutheran College yestesday. Thangool State School finished second overall and first for the aggregate trophy. Students will be notified early next term of their nomination for the Port Curtis Athletic trials held in Gladstone on 25th and 26th July. As a general rule, students who finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in the 10 years (2013) and 11 years (2012) age groups will be eligible to attend. Students in the 12 years (2011) age groups who finished 1st and 2nd will be eligible to attend. The only exception is High Jump as there is a minimum start height and students must have jumped the starting height at the CV Interschool Carnival to be selected to trial. I have also attached a survey link to provide feedback on this carnival as well.
Student of the Week/End of Term Assembly
Congratulations to our Students of the Week for Weeks 9 and 10.
Prep: Mason - For being a diligent student and embracing challenges with his learning.
Willa - For blending her sounds together to read simple words
Makenna - For working diligently and focussing on her work
Yr 2: Sabre - For demonstrating persistence in your reading - Well Done!
Yr 3: Ebony - For being an active, enthusiastic learner with outstanding persistence. You are shining!
Theo - For reflecting well, perservering and striving to improve your work. Super Effort!
Yr 4: Sayla - For consistenly being a capable learner
End of Term Assembly
Simply the Best - Diligence
Prep - Ayla
Yr 1 - Jedd
Yr 2 - Thomas
Yr 3 - Ebony
Yr 4 - Bridie
Yr 5 - Brielle
Yr 6 - Carter
Aussie of the Month - Lanee
On Ya Mate - Ayden
Congratulations to all students!