Term 2 Week 4 Newsletter 11 May 2022
From the Principal's Desk
The teaching of reading is a priority across the school and integral to progressing our school’s Explicit Improvement Agenda. As a school we are reviewing our school reading program. All teaching staff members have and will continue to undertake Professional Development in the teaching of reading to enhance the delivery of the school’s reading program. Our teaching programs are based on evidence-based research and the reading strategies are integrated within all learning areas of the Australian Curriculum. They are delivered through teaching practices that emphasise age appropriate and evidence-based pedagogies. Parents and carers also play a vital part in supporting their children to read, we appreciate your assistance with home tasks and extending their learning by reading with your child every night.
NAPLAN began on Tuesday and will continue next week. As a school we have chosen to only do one test a day enabling our students to not feel overwhelmed. A big thank you to their teachers and Mrs Van Itallie (NAPLAN co-ordinator) on organising and making little gifts for students at the end of each test. On our final day of testing (next Thursday) both year 3 & 5 will have a pizza party to celebrate their hard work. Details will come home via classroom teachers.
Students achieve more when they are at school every day learning. Our school goal for attendance is 94%. There are some real challenges in “catching up” after such an unusual start to the term, so parents are asked to make sure absences are genuine. No pressure should ever be felt to send children when unwell-just be mindful that other absences can be avoided.
Exciting times at school with lots of upgrades occurring.
Our new gates have been installed and now we are just waiting on the final signage for the remaining 2 entrances.
Our 2nd cubby arrived and has been painted (thank you Clem family) so now our play township is really looking great and a well-used area at play time.
Next week our year 1 & 2 rooms are getting new carpet laid which will really help the learning environment and decrease noise levels. The work on our tennis court also begins.
Year 6 Camp
Next Thursday and Friday our year 6 students head off to Leadership camp at Pelican Point. Usually held in term 1 we had to reschedule and find an alternative place, but everything is planned and we are reading for a great 2 days. A huge thank you to Ms Hyland, Ms Symes and Chappy Casey for all the planning that goes on behind the scene.
Premier's Reading Challenge
The 9th of May marks the beginning of the reading period for the 2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge. To complete the challenge students in Prep – Year 2 need to read or experience 20 books, students in Year 3 and Year 4 need to read 20 books, and students in Year 5 and Year 6 need to read 15 books (this number of books acknowledges that older students are more likely to select longer and more complex books).
Mother's Day Stall
It has been wonderful to observe our students having a great time with their shopping at the P&C’s Mothers’ Day stall last week. The ‘shop’ has been a huge success with all gifts sold. Well done, Team P&C! And a huge thank you to our families for supporting this fundraising activity. We hope you enjoyed your special day, Mothers/Grandmothers!
Have a wonderful week!
TSS Capable Learner Framework
For our HOC
Reading is a complex skill that is gradually acquired over many years of teaching and practice. There are 6 essential skills to reading. These are referred to as ‘The Big Six’. To be an effective reader, children need to be able to use the six components in combination.
- Early Literacy and Oral Language – the ability to communicate with others, being exposed to sophisticated structures and vocabulary and social skills such as turn taking and making eye contact.
- Phonemic Awareness – the ability to identify and manipulate sounds in words, such as rhyme.
- Phonics – the ability to decode words using knowledge of letter-sound relationships.
- Fluency – the ability to read with accuracy, speed and expression.
- Vocabulary – knowing the meaning of a wide variety of words and the structure of written language.
- Comprehension – understanding the meaning and intent of the text.
An integrated approach to explicit reading instruction is essential to provide relevant learning connected to other experiences. When teaching, individual components will require an explicit focus however, they are not a set of isolated skills and need to be integrated throughout reading opportunities across the day.
From our Guidance Officer
From the Guido:
Tuesday 3rd May saw the commencement of Guidance Week. Although that is a slight misnomer, as it runs for two weeks, concluding this Friday the 13th May. The key reason behind Guidance Week is to reflect on the role that the Guidance Officer plays within the school community, and to acknowledge the various supports they can offer.
A large part of their role is to work with classroom teachers, teacher aides and young people themselves in order that they are as able as possible to engage as fully as possible. This includes social and emotional wellbeing, ensuring the safety of the young person, liaising with external agencies so that the best supports can be put in place when required. It may also include conducting assessments which may assist the classroom teacher in developing their strategies, as well as behavioural support.
It is not, however, limited to just these aspects. It also includes discussions about career paths, courses of study, and other post-school options. These aspects may not be so prevalent amongst the primary students, but they do pop up occasionally in informal situations. A key support in the primary field is the transition to high school - what to expect and how to deal with an environment which is considerably different to what they have been used to.
As mentioned, social and emotional wellbeing is a key aspect of support provided by the Guidance Officer. As we continue to navigate through the COVID pandemic, and work at re-establishing a sense of normality, make sure you are maintaining your own mental health, and keep an eye on those around you. Reach out and talk about it with a close friend over a cuppa (sometimes that’s all it takes). If this does not help, you can contact any of the services that appear below. Maybe you need to be the “listening ear” for someone, but if you feel they need more, encourage them to see their GP and work out a mental health plan.
I am at Thangool State School every second Friday, and have changed from even weeks to odd weeks commencing 20th May. I can be contacted by calling the school on 4990 0333, if there is anything you would like to talk about regarding how to support your child.
David Reeves
(Guidance Officer)
Beyond Blue Kids Helpline Lifeline Australia
www.beyondblue.org.au www.kidshelpline.com.au 13 11 14
1300 22 4636 1800 55 1800
Bus Zone Reminder
Following a phone call from our bus operators, here is a reminder about parking in the bus zone in front of the school. Please do not park in front of our school buses in the morning as it makes it difficult for the bus operators to manoeuvre their buses out of desiginated bus zone. Parents may use the bus zone as a Stop, Drop and Go lane after 8.15am each morning. Bus operators have advised that they will be contacting the police if the problem persists.
Student of the Week
Congratulations to our Students of the Week for week 2 and 3.
Congratulations to our Behaviour Award recipients and Principal Award recipients. Awesome effort!
Prep: Benji: For persistence with his sounds
Prep: Mitch: For being a kind and thoughtful and helping others when needed.
Gr 1: Thomas: For his diligence in writing time
Gr 1: Ethan: For being a persistent learner by asking for help and following the patterns in skip counting
Gr 1: Michael: For embracing challenge and persisting in Maths lessons
Gr 2: Faith: For working diligently on her math number sequence
Gr 2: Addison: For demonstrating persistence in her learning and being helpful to others
Gr 3: Jason: For trying your hardest and gaining confidence to speak up and share your awesome ideas.
Gr 3: Harry: For your outstanding enthusiasm and persistence during our time lessons
Gr 3: Sayla: For always trying hard and for gaining confidence to share your amazing ideas with everyone
Gr 4: Hunter: For his diligence in Science
Gr 4: Stephanie: For her iniative to problem solve
Gr 5: Holly: For being diligent
Gr 5: Isabella: For demonstrating persistence
Gr 6: Drew: For being diligent during Prep buddies
Gr 6: For persisting with set tasks
Principal's Award Winners: Payton and Ella
BREBRAS Award Winners: Cate: High Distinction, Kayley: Distinction, Participant: Nick, Nathan, Tommy, Jamen, Matthew, Charlie.
School Uniform Update
Thangool State School P&C wishes to advise that the Polo Shirts have been ordered with a new supplier. The shirts are currently being manufactured and are expected to arrive mid June. Thank you for you patience while a new supplier was sourced. There is currently a great supply of school jumpers and jackets as the weather starts to cool down.
Under 8's Day
May 25th 9am - 11am